How to Field Dress a Deer (Step by Step)

A deer hunter holding a knife prepares to skin, dress and process a deer

It’s essential to field dress your deer as soon as you’ve killed it. This process involves removing the internal organs of the animal in order to preserve the meat and keep it until you can get it home or to a processor. This can seem intimidating at first, but if you follow these tips and 15 detailed steps, you’ll find it’s a simple and fun part of the hunt that helps you get the most out of your kill.

Bugles to Barks – Elk Sounds and What They Mean

When it comes to sounds, few animals can compete with the majesty of the elk. Whether you want to learn the elk language so you can call them on the hunt, or you just want to get more acquainted with the beauty of elk calls, it’s a complex and nuanced topic. Take the time to familiarize yourself with all the different sounds, which elk make them and why. It’s a rewarding subject.

Bowhunting Deer – A Beginners Guide

Getting into such a storied sport can seem overwhelming, but any bowhunter will tell you it’s more than worth it. It can be a lot easier to get started if you know all the different parts of the process. Take it step by step and before you know it, you’ll have antlers on your wall and venison in the freezer.