Utah Deer Hunting Season 2023-2024

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Utah is an incredible place to hunt. They have a great range of deer to target, and the landscape offers an exciting yet challenging hunting experience. Before you whip out your weapon, you must purchase the correct licenses and permits. Your weapons must meet the requirements set by the state of Utah. Below we have compiled season dates, license and permit fees, and weapon requirements. 

Season Dates 

The dates below are the general dates for each season. You can look at the Utah e-regulations to get specific dates per unit.

Utah Deer Hunting SeasonDate
General Season ArcheryAug 19-Sept.15
General Season MuzzleloaderSept.27-Oct. 5
General Season Early Any Legal WeaponOct.11-15
General Season Any Legal WeaponOct. 21-29

Licensing & Draw License Fees

To hunt in Utah legally, you must purchase a valid basic hunting license or a combination license before you are viable to buy a deer hunting permit. Below is a list of all the hunting fees you can expect to pay for this hunting season:

Deer LicensesPriceDescription
Resident 1-year basic hunting license$16age 14–17)
Resident 1-year basic hunting license $40age 18–64)
Resident 1-year basic hunting license $31(age 65 and older)
Resident disabled veteran 1-year hunting license$25.50
Resident 1-year combination $20(age 14–17)
Resident 1-year combination $44(age 18–64)
Resident 1-year combination$35(age 65 and older)
Resident disabled veteran 1-year combination$28
Nonresident 1-year basic hunting license $34(age 17 and younger)
Nonresident 1-year basic hunting license $120(age 18 and older)
Nonresident 3-day small game hunting license $46(any age)
Nonresident 1-year combination license $38(age 17 and younger)
Nonresident 1-year combination license $150(age 18 and older)
Resident Dedicated Hunter, 3-yr. $120(age 12–17)
Resident Dedicated Hunter, 3-yr. $215(age 18 and older)
Lifetime license Dedicated Hunter, 3-yr. 437.50(age 12–17)
Lifetime license Dedicated Hunter, 3-yr. $86(age 18 and older)
Nonresident Dedicated Hunter also includes a 365-day fishing license$834(age 12–17)
Nonresident Dedicated Hunter also includes a 365-day fishing license$1067(age 18 and older)

Once you have purchased one of the licenses above, you must buy a permit for the animal you want to hunt. Below are the permits and their prices for hunting big game in Utah:

Resident youth general-season buck deer$40
Resident antlerless deer$35
Resident two-doe antlerless$50
Resident depredation deer (antlerless)$35
Nonresident general-season buck deer (includes 365-day fishing license)$418
Nonresident depredation deer (antlerless)$118
Nonresident antlerless deer$118
Nonresident two-doe antlerless$217

Now that you have your licenses and permits sorted, it’s time to make sure that your weapons meet the minimum requirements set by the state of Utah.

What Weapons can you Hunt Deer Within Virginia?


ShotgunsMust be a minimum of 20 gauge. Loaded with single slugs. Barrel must be a minimum of 18 inches long. The minimum overall length must be 26 inches.
Centerfire rifle 0.24 Caliber and up with a magnum load or centerfire cartridge.
HandgunsOnly single barrel that is 15 inches or less.

Bow and Arrow:

ArrowsArrows must be 20 inches in length.
BroadheadsBroadheads can be fixed with two blades and must be ⅞ inches wide at their widest point.
Bow characteristicsLongBow minimum draw weight for hunting deer is 30 lbs and a draw length of 28’. 


Crossbow draw weightCrossbows have a minimum draw weight of 125 lbs and must be mechanically safe. Draw length must be a minimum of 14 inches.
Arrows/ boltsThe arrow/ bolt must be at least 16 inches, excluding the broad head.
BroadheadsIt must be ⅞ inches at the widest point. 

Muzzleloading Rifle:

Powderblack powder or black powder substitute only.
CaliberA single barrel of .40 caliber or greater.
Legal projectileMuzzleloaders can be smoothbore or rifled. Must be a single barrel that fires a single round ball or conical projectile .130 grains or heavier.
IgnitionMatchlock, flintlock ignition system, percussion ignition system with a primer or percussion cap, or a wheel-lock.

Utah has an excellent range of deer that will get any hunter excited. With its beautiful landscape, Utah promises a challenging but thrilling adventure. In Utah, the Mule deer, White-tailed deer, and Coues White-tailed deer are popular deer species to hunt. Here’s how you can identify these deer.

A Mule deer is larger than the other deer. They are well known for their distinctively large ears, which stand at attention when alert. They have a light brown coat with a white rump patch similar to the Sika Deer. Their antlers are bifurcated with upward-curved branches. However, the females don’t typically grow antlers. Mule deer are found throughout the region, often near mountainous regions, foothills, and sagebrush-covered areas. 

Slightly smaller than the Mule deer, the White-tailed deer is well-known for the white underside of their tails, which can be seen when the deer is alert. White-tailed deer have a reddish-brown to grayish coat and are generally white underneath their necks and bodies. Their antlers typically grow unbranched with tines that extend upward and forwards. White-tailed deer can adapt to different environments; thus, they can be found throughout Northern America in forests, mountainous areas, and grasslands.

The Coues White-tailed deer is a subspecies of the White-tailed deer. Many of their features, such as coats, antlers, and colors, are very similar. A noticeable difference is their size. The Coues White-tailed deer is slightly smaller than the White-tailed deer. The Coues White-tailed deer is also less common than the White-tailed deer and is often sought after by hunters because of its rarity. You will often find the Coues White-tailed deer in mountainous habitats or woodland forests. 

Utah is a hunter’s paradise. Not only do they have a great range of big game to hunt, but they also have tons of other animals that can provide you with the challenge and reward you are looking for. Here’s a list of all the animals you can legally hunt for in Utah:

Big Game:

  • Mule Deer
  • Rocky Mountain Elk
  • Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep
  • Moose
  • Pronghorn Antelope
  • Mountain Goat
  • Black Bear
  • Cougar (Mountain Lion)
  • Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram

Upland Birds:

  • Chukar Partridge
  • Gray Partridge (Hungarian Partridge)
  • Ring-necked Pheasant
  • Ruffed Grouse
  • Sage Grouse
  • Sharp-tailed Grouse
  • Blue Grouse
  • Dusky Grouse (Blue Grouse)
  • Wild Turkey


  • Canada Goose
  • Snow Goose
  • White-fronted Goose (Specklebelly)
  • Various duck species (e.g., Mallard, Pintail, Gadwall, Wigeon)

Small Game:

  • Cottontail Rabbit
  • Snowshoe Hare
  • Red Squirrel
  • Fox Squirrel
  • Ground Squirrel (Richardson’s Ground Squirrel)
  • Prairie Dog
  • Porcupine
  • Badger
  • Coyote
  • Common Snipe


  • Raccoon
  • Beaver
  • Muskrat
  • Mink
  • Skunk
  • Bobcat
  • Red Fox
  • Gray Fox
  • Coyote

While this is a list of all the animals you can currently hunt, it’s helpful to remember that you must have the necessary permits to hunt them. Likewise, regulations also change over time, so it would be suggested to continually check to see if any of these animals are removed at a later stage. We wish you happy hunting!

Hi there! I'm a passionate bowman and a fan of all target sports in general. You'll often find me at my local archery and shooting ranges honing my skills.

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